Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Don't Laugh At Me

Today in our classroom meeting we watched a clip of the song "Don't Laugh At Me" by Mark Wills. This song has also been made into a storybook (see the photo above). Our library does not yet have this book, but we watched some clips online with photos from the story, as well as this video made by someone using photographs:
I believe this song/story has a beautiful message of being accepting of each other. At one point it says "You don't have to be my friend, but is it too much to ask: don't laugh at me. Don't call me names. Don't get your pleasure from my pain. In God's eyes we're all the same." It's unrealistic to ask our students to ALL be friends with EVERYONE, however it's not too much to ask that we all show respect to our peers.
Please share this message with your family and feel free to discuss the importance of its message.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very important topic for all kids, all ages. Accepting people that are different should not be hard. Tolerance is something we must teach our kids at home and at school. Everywhere we go we will find people that don`t share our views or ideas but we must learn to respect them anyway!Thank you for sharing this beautiful song with us!! Ivelis Hernandez.
