This week we continue with decimals. Today we compared and ordered decimals. Tomorrow we will be rounding decimals. Wednesday is fractions as decimals. Thursday will be review and Friday will be our first decimals test. The test will focus on the following topics:
- reading and writing decimals
- decimal place-value relationships
- ordering and comparing decimals
- rounding decimals
- fractions as decimals
Please remember that I posted MANY online site (under the Math sites section at the side of the blog) so that students may practice these concepts at home. If you did not see my important note last week on the blog, it was about how most students have admitted that they are not practicing or studying at home. This is concerning. Please ensure that students are putting forth much effort at home as well.
Plato Test: Concludes Friday. Please review previous concepts using blog links, etc. to help improve the score :)
Timed Test: This week we will be doing 7 as a divisor. This is different than usual, as we normally combine two divisors before moving on, but at this point in the year we are running out of time to fit in all factors/divisors and I would like to move on. Please review these facts with your child.SOCIAL STUDIES:
Today students worked independently on interactive editing on 4 pages from their texts. Some students finished in class, although many will have some work to do at home tonight, as this is being collected as assessment.
Tomorrow we will be reviewing the Gold Rush that we started last week. Students will have a Gold Rush quiz on Wednesday. This will conclude our "West" unit in Social Studies.
Thursday we will begin our last Science unit - The Solar System! This will take us until the end of the year.
Science Fair: Projects should have been handed in today. I will be turning them in to the judges for judging. Friday, projects will be on display for parents and students to browse.
Read Aloud
The Girraffe nd the Pelly and Me, by Roald Dahl, focus on exploring humor in literature, word play and comic effect
Shared Reading
An interview with Roald Dahl, focus on drawing conclusions
Roald Dahl's Biography, focus on chronological order, past tense verbs, and a recount (answers to fatual information, who, what, when, where, why)
Independent Writing
We will be working on a special gift for Mother's Day
Students will also participate in Independent Reading, Book Clubs, and Reading Cycles.
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