Monday, November 16, 2009

Week of Nov. 16th - 21st


Read Aloud:
"The Amazing Book of Mammal Records", by Samuel G. Woods, we will focus on reading and interpreting captions and facts and opinions.

"One Hen", by Katie Smith Milway, we will focus on predicting, making inferences, and using context clues.

Read Aloud for fun: The BFG, we will focus on visualizing!

Shared Reading:
Reptiles and Amphibians

Comparing and Contrasting Reptiles and Amphibians

Diagram: An Amphibian's Life Cycle

Interactive Editing:
Reptiles and Amphibians (paragraph about reptiles)

Interactive Writing:
Vennn Diagram: Reptiles and Amphibians
We will aslo write a different ending of the story "Why Frog and Snake Never Played Together". We will focus on using qoutation marks to show dialogue between Frog and Snake.

Independent Writing:
Students will be writing the final draft of the essay "I am Grateful for..."
Students wll begin writing a different ending of the story "Why Frog and Snake Never Played Together". They will choose to write a happy ending or a sad ending.

Students will also participate in Independent Reading, Writing Cycle Groups, and Literacy Centers.

This week we are continuing with fractions. Friday we made fraction strips in class so the students could have concrete ways to physically compare fractions. Today and tomorrow we are comparing and writing equivalent fractions. Wednesday we will discuss putting fractions into simplest forms, then Thursday we will be reviewing all concepts of equivalent fractions and simplest form. There will be a test on Friday. There are links on the blog to Math games that will help to practice these skills. Saturday we will begin comparing and ordering fractions.

We will continue with our simulation. At this point, colonies are starting to learn that a lot of things are left up to fate. One day a plague may hit their colony and kill some of their men, while the next day their cattle may have babies and they are blessed with more food. Colonies are starting to take chances by attacking other colonies to aquire their land, and students are having to work well together with their classmates in order to make tough decisions for their colony.
Wednesday and Thursday, students will be working on a creative writing piece. Students will pretend to be one of the members of their colony and describe what life is like in the New World. As their character, they will talk about their struggles and how they are feeling. This entry will be graded.

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