Monday, November 30, 2009

Week of Nov. 30 - Dec. 4

We are coming close to the end of our fractions unit. Today we reviewed the second half of this unit:

  • equivalent fractions
  • reducing fractions to simplest form
  • comparing fractions (which is greater)
  • ordering fractions (least to greatest)
  • fractions of a set (what is 2/3 of 12?).

Tomorrow we will be reviewing ALL lessons pertaining to fractions. This includes the above as well as:

  • identifying the numerator and denominator
  • estimating fractional amounts
  • converting improper/mixed fractions.

There will be a fractions test on Wednesday that will cover all of these topics. I have added a few additional websites to the blog in order to help assist in practicing for this test.

Timed Test will be Thursday as usual, and will cover the 7s times table. Students will receive 2 minutes for 30 questions.

Thursday we will begin our next unit: Using Customary Linear Measurement

After last week's quiz, it was quite evident that many students are having a difficult time applying what is happening during our simulation to what they should be learning in Social Studies. Today we went back to the text book and looked at the same vocabulary in the text. Perhaps seeing it in a textbook will help students to connect the learning. We will be reviewing concepts again tomorrow and then there will be another quiz to follow on Wednesday. Students should be able to talk about the regional geography in the game (how mountains, rivers, and ocean differ for living - food, travel, etc.) They should also be able to talk about the rights and responsibilities of the native indians versus the colonists (who owns the land, what are daily jobs, etc.). Lastly, students should know how colonists an use the goods, services, and technology that they have (ex: trading these things with Indians to obtain land, etc.). Students will then be working on a second "Diary Situation", written as a character from their colony, on Thursday and Friday.

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