Friday, October 16, 2009

Friendly Letters and Infractions

Ms. Leary, Ms. Willett, and Ms. Aguilar have all been recently discussing the behaviour of 4A. We are very concerned about the drop in discipline since the beginning of the year.

As a team, we have decided to be more consistent in our discipline. The children need structure and often we were giving students extra chances or letting things slide. This cannot happen anymore.

We will be telling students to flip their card immediately if we see misconduct in the class. They will not recieve any extra warnings.

Also, if children receive a red card, it is their responsibility to write their name on the board and to remember to stay in at recess to write the friendly letter. We have found that we often have students who "don't remember" to stay in at recess to write it, as well. As a result of this, we have decided that students who don't stay in to write their letters, will receieve an infraction for not taking responsibility for their actions.

These are all things we have discussed with our class in our community meetings and something they are well aware of is happening. We are hoping that this will teach the students to take responsibilities for their behaviour as well as the consequences of these behaviours.

If you have any concerns, please communicate this in the assignment books. Not all assignment books are coming back signed each day. This is imperative, as this is our main form of communication between the school and home.

Thanks for your help and understanding in this situation.

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