Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Math Homework - Oct. 20th

Students are to redo these 5 questions from a previous homework assignment, except they are to complete them with the new method that we discussed in class today.

We used t-charts: one for the hours that have passed, and one for the minutes. For some time you will only need one t-chart but for others you will need two t-charts, one for the hours and the other for minutes. Do the hour chart first. The student draws a t-chart. On top of the left side write the start time (ex. 2:20). On the top of the right side write hours. Draw an arrow pointing up if we are counting the hours up. If we are subtracting hours, draw the arrow down. Now make several horizontal lines and label the first underneath hours with 1. Now move 2:20 to 3:20. The next thing to do is create the minutes t-chart and use 3:20 as the start time.

Good luck!
  1. 3:00pm - 5:25pm
  2. 10am - 12:30pm
  3. 6:45pm - 6:45am
  4. 12pm (Tues.) - 12pm (Wed.)
  5. 11:20am - 4:45pm

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