Monday, October 19, 2009

Week of October 19-23

I've graded the tests of TIME. After much thought, discussion, and advice from other teachers, I decided to break the test up into 6 sets of marks: reading time, writing time, comparing time, elapsed time, calendar, and problem solving. You will notice these multiple grades on the test for each section. I decided this was best, as some students excelled at some areas of time but struggled at others.
Tonight students are to take the tests home to correct the "elapsed time" section of their tests and for you to sign them. Please send the tests back to school tomorrow signed.

Most students struggled with elapsed time so this is what we will focus on this week. We will review elapsed time and students will complete an assignment for additional marks.

Thursday we will review all sections of chapter 2 and students will write a cumulative test on Friday to cover all parts: place value, number sense, and time.

We are continuing with our simulation of colonies settling in "The New World". Last week students chose roles such as governor, vice-govenor, recorder, banker, mapper, and trader. Group members ("colony members") shared responsibilities and worked together on their first mapping assignment. Students were allowed to assist their peers in their colony but we instructed to teach (not tell the answers) and to help (not do it for them). For the most part students worked well together and shared responsibility in order to achieve good marks on their assignments which also become their points for the game. Only in one case did one student do the work for the other student. These 2 students lost marks and points in the game (in their grades).
This week we will continue with more mapping assignments where students will earn even more grades and points for their colonies. We will also be beginning discussion on flags and their purpose, as well as designing our own. Friday students will complete a quiz based on what they have learned in Phase 1 of this simulation. It is 10 questions. Students should study by reviewing the different terms/vocabulary on each of their assignments thusfar. Next week the game will begin.

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