Monday, October 26, 2009

Week of Oct. 26th -31st


Book Report: Children should continue to read a book for the next book report. It will be due Oct. 29th. Read, read, and read at home every day!

Read Aloud: This week we will read the book, “Willy and Max“, by Amy Littlesugar . We will focus on Author’s Purpose and Analyzing Character and Setting.

We will also read the book “I Think I Thought and Other Tricky Verbs”, by Marvin Terban. We will identify Irregular Verbs, Rhyme and Alliteration as we read.

Read Aloud for Fun:" The Gatos Black on Halloween", by Marissa Montes. We will focus on using context clues to figure out the meaning of unknown words.

Shared Reading:
Poems from the book: "The Gatos Black on Halloween" by Marissa Montes. We will highlight context clues and unknown words.

Interactive Writing:
“Willy and Max“: We will write a paragraph analyzing the characters and setting of the story.
“I Think I Thought and Other Tricky Verbs”: We will write and Irregular Verb Chart: with the Present, Past, and Past with Has or Have.

Independent Writing:
“Willy and Max“: Students will independently write a paragraph analyzing the characters and setting of the story.
“I Think I Thought and Other Tricky Verbs”:
Students will use the Irregular Verb Chart: with the Present, Past, and Past with Has or Have to write sentences using Irregular Verbs.

This week students will be given a homophones and other commonly confused words worksheet to be used a resource for Independent Writing. We will review homophones in depth next week.

Students will also participate in Guided Writing groups and Centers

We have now finished chapter 2 on Number Sense and Time. We will continue to review these concepts throughout the year, so as to work towards mastery, as some students are still struggling with these concepts. Please encourage your child to continue to practice skills through computer games or even through simple daily practice. HELP AT HOME :) Elapsed time can be made into a game: when driving anywhere in your car, look at the time you leave one place and have your child remember this. Then once you arrive at the next place, ask your child how long it took you to get from one place to the other. You can also use this for homework or dinner or bedtime. Ex: "How long did it take you to complete your homework if you started at 3pm and finished at 4:15pm?", "Dinner will be in 30 minutes. At what time will dinner be?", "If you go to sleep at 9pm and wake up at 6am, how many hours did you sleep?" Simple questions like this will help your child continue practice at home.

After looking at the Plato scores (Math testing completed school-wide), our class seems to struggle most with Measurement. Due to this fact, I have decided to complete this unit next so we have much time throughout the year to address these issues. This week we will begin with fractions, as these will be built into measurement. We will also use our weekly bellwork to start to introduce geometry as well. This week the topics focussed on will be:
  • Naming and Writing Fractions
  • numerator, denominator
  • Estimating Fractional Amounts
  • Geometry: identifying shapes (2D and 3D)

Friday we will review these then Monday will be a test to see if the students are able to identify, label, and write fractions.

We are continuing our Simulation. Today and tomorrow students will design flags using significant colours and symbols to represent their colonies.
Tomorrow there will be a mapping vocabulary quiz, based on the vocabulary listed on all of their previous mapping assignments. Students should have brought home these assignments to study from.
Towards the middle or end of this week, we will be starting the actual game, using all the points earned by each student during the previous mapping assignments.

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