Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Literacy Homework: Tuesday, March 2

a) Go to http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/kidscorner/endangered_animals/endangeredanimals_3.htm

b)To read, click on every animal of the African Savvana. There are 5 animals in all. If you do not see the Black Rhinos, give it some time to come into view! Be patient! Click on the map of Africa! There's great information there too!

c) After reading, answer the following questions on your Reading Journal:
1) What are the different roles of male and female lions?
2) Why are there less zebras in the wild?
3)What fact did you like the most about the African Wild Dogs?
4) Why are African elephants hunted for?
5) Write 2 interesting facts about the Black Rhinos.
6) How were some parts of the African Savvana formed million of yeras ago?
7) How is a group of lions called? How is a group of elephants called?

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