Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Literacy Homework: Wednesday, March 24

Finally!!! A different country!!!
a) Go to,28138,1870511,00.html to read about Egypt's Great Sphinx, City of Cairo, Nile River, Luxor, Adriatic Desert, and Mt. Sinai.

b) Answer the following questions on your Reading Journal:

1) Describe the Great Sphinx.

2) What is so special about the Nile River? Why is its water precious to the Egyptians?

3) State an example of how Cairo blends new customs with old traditions.

4) List two interesting facts about the Adriatic Desert.

5) As a tourist waht can you find in Luxor?

c) Go to,28138,536075,00.html to read about a boy's life in Egypt.

d) Answer the following questions
6) What sounds enjoyable about Amr Adel's Day?
7) Just like you, Amr Adel goes to school! What is similar to your school? What is different?

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