Thursday, March 25, 2010

Literacy Homework: Thursday, March 25

Today you will be reading about two other fabulous countries located in Europe: France and England!

a) Go to,28138,491279,00.html to read about France.

b) Answer the following questions on your Reading Journal
1) What is Versailles? Would you like to visit? Wy or why not?
2) Name two facts about the Siene River.
3) What painting is recognized as the most famous painting in the history of art? Where is it found?
4)If you would like to visit the Arena (amphitheater) to what city would you go to?
5) If you had to decide whether to visit the city of Nice or Cannes, which would would you choose? Why?

c) Go to,28138,605516,00.html

d) Answer the following questions:
6) Why is Liverpool most famous for?
7)Which city is the birthplace of the playwright William Shakespeare?
8)What are some of the many wonderful things you could see in London?
9)Why is the Thanes River known as "liquid history"?
10)What architectural landmark can you fid in Bath?

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